Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boozesicles: 'Lemon-Vodka Cream Pops' Sounds Better

"Lemon-Vodka Cream Pops"
Genevieve Ko, fine Cooking (July 9, 2009)

"A splash of citron vodka gives the classic creamsicle a decidedly adult kick...."

It's a recipe for making 8 high-class boozesicles.

Seriously? This looks interesting: you start with lemon zest, cream, milk, sugar, and salt - and I suppose you could concoct something without the vodka. These things will take time and effort to prepare: but I can see where someone might want to make them for a special occasion.

I'd recommend a designated driver, though.

Lemon zest is the outer part of a lemon's rind. (From What's Cooking America's Lemon Zest - Lemon Zester entry)

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