Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baldrick the Vulture: Avian Portraiture on the Grim Side

"Doom Watch"
Imagineer, DPChallenge (April 14, 2005)

"A Hooded Vulture (called Baldrick) stares purposefully at me - as I stare back at him, thinking that I'm glad to be alive!

"Shot through the cage wire using my 28-105mm zoom at 78mm and focused on the ruff of his neck in order to get the whole head in focus. His handler Mandy loves him dearly and he is exercised frequently in huge, open space...."

This is very copyrighted image, so you'll have to follow the link to see Baldrick.

I think you'll find it worth your time: the photo is, technically, well done; and Baldrick is a wonderfully - ah - vulture-like - subject.

And, somehow, I've got a feeling that I've seen someone looking at me like that, quite a long time ago.

This is an animal photo that, although striking and memorable, is not 'cute.' Not even by my flexible standards.

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