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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

About Life in a Remote Village: 'Beautiful, but Vicious' Terns, and the Occasional Polar Bear

"Welcome to Svalbard, Here’s Your Bird-Defense Stick"
Wired Science (July 31, 2009)

"Need an insider's visitor guide to the northernmost settlement on Earth? NASA's got you covered.

"Kasia Wegrzyn, a NASA scientist, has spent the past several weeks in Ny-Ålesund, a 35 person village in the Svalbard, a chain of islands halfway between Norway and the North Pole.

"She's learned the ropes, tasted the boxed wine, and fended off angry packs of 'beautiful, but vicious' terns. This week, she posted her tourist tips on the Characterization of Arctic Sea Ice Experiment mission blog — and they make for a fascinating peak into life in a remote international research station...."

The article is an entertaining look at life at a remote village. Odds are, the 'bird-defense stick' will be a rifle. You're well-advised to carry one, to assist in negotiations with polar bears.

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