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Monday, July 27, 2009

Everyday Life in Japan - Snapshots

"Everyday Life In Japan - 4"
Jérôme Sadou : Fixed Gear and Life from Japan (July 19, 2009)

"A little bit more than one month since my last article of the 'Everyday Life in Japan" serie. So prepare for a big mix of photos!

"Let's start with some shots taken at Daikanyama...."

Okay, lets.

I'll show the first and last photos displayed, with their captions:

"Let's start with some shots taken at Daikanyama."

I know: you've already seen the caption. Some of the captions are above the photos they describe. I think.

"This is raw chicken, a first for me! I was not very tempted at first, but actually with the soya...."

Other photos show drummers, a hair salon, a high-tech palm tree (I think), bicycles, and other assorted scenes.

This isn't the most highly-organized look at Japan you'll ever see, but I enjoyed the impression of looking at someone's vacation photos.

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