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Thursday, July 30, 2009

'About Us' - Why It's Important, How to Design Yours

"The Essence Of About Us Page With 12 Captivating Showcases"
Oneextrapixel (July 31, 2009) (I know, but that's what the date stamp says.)

"The previous post about Establishing a Brand for your site is one of the many methods to build trust and establish a relationship with customers. This post covers another way of building trust, and that through the About Us page.

"Have you wanted to find out more about a particular website but there is just not enough information for you? About Us page might just be an ordinary page however its significance should not be overlook.

"It is a page that provides information about the company or the people behind the web site, including basic real-world information, such as mailing address, phone number, and fax number, as well as background information on the company and the people in the company. This pattern describes how to organize this information in the About Us pages of your website...."

I'm pretty sure, judging from syntax in the second paragraph, that whoever wrote this post did not speak English while growing up. Don't let that bother you! The post is clearly written, with a very sufficient number of illustrations.

This is a pretty good introduction into the whats, hows, and whys of 'About Us' pages, with examples from Google, Us, MailChimp, and other more-or-less well known outfits.

The post is divided into sections: "What Information Should Your About Us Page Contain?" and "12 Captivating About Us Showcases". The latter is worth a visit, just for its eye-candy value, I think: but I did 10 years in graphic design, and may find this sort of thing more interesting than you will.

Overall, this post won't tell you absolutely everything you need to know for designing you own 'About Us' page - but I think it's a pretty good place to start.
A tip of the hat to yellownerd, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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