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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Human Tetris - The Video

"The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond"

notsonoisy, YouTube (December 6, 2007)
video 2:38

"TETRIS played by real human-beings sitting in an auditorium: TETRIS is the 4th video performance of the GAME OVER Project, directed by the Swiss artist Guillaume REYMOND (NOTsoNOISY creative agency). This stop-motion video was shot and played for "LES URBAINES" festival at the Palais de Rumine...."

Tetris music and sound effects were re-created by a small chorus of singers/vocalists. People in colored shirts were the Tetris blocks - and the game re-created in this video is quite plausible.

Also, fun to view.


More about Tetris:

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