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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Working on the Moon? Pack a Blanket

"Giant Moon Blanket Could Protect Astronauts" (May 26, 2009)

"Solar flares and powerful cosmic rays can shred DNA and increase cancer risks for future astronauts who might make long-term stays on future moon missions.

"As NASA considers this issue in its plans for a return the moon by 2020, a team of college students has proposed a solution: giant blankets.

"Engineering students at North Carolina State University (NCSU) designed a 'lunar texshield,' a layered blanket made of lightweight polymer material. The outer surface of the shield is a flexible array of solar cells that generate electricity. Underneath, a layer of radiation shielding deflects or absorbs incoming particles, to better protect astronauts in lunar outposts...."

Looks like NASA is serious about getting back to the moon. The article is a pretty good overview of the sort of planning it takes to develop technologies that will help people work on the moon - and be practical enough to carry along.

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