Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Singer-Songwriter on YouTube

I ran into talentpatrol, Karen Lyford, on Twitter recently. She describes herself as a "Songwriter, Musician, producer, talent coach Record Artist ...."

And, like many performing artists these days, she's on YouTube. This isn't quite the sort of music I listen to: but it's performed well.

"There She Goes ( Original"

rlyf7, YouTube
video 3:41

Another of her songs, "Rescue Me," appealed to me more, but the audio quality of that recording isn't quite as good:

"Rescue Me- Original Song"
rlyf7, YouTube
video 4:07

"Wrote this a loooong time ago and just wanted to get it up...." (lyrics included in description)

Like many young performers, there's more talent that available technology. She's been posting for some time that she intends to have a professional-quality recording done in the near future. Like so much else, these things take time.

And money. Which is one reason I'm glad that YouTube and other online services are available to people who aren't on the recording industry's short list.

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