Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, April 13, 2009

And Now, for Something Completely Different:
A House on a Rock

"On The Rocks"

"Thanks to Mr.Erik Jacobs permission, the photographer of Clingstone, an unusual, 103-year-old mansion in Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay, yatzer shares his beautiful photos followed by the text as it was found at The New York Times...."

A dozen photos, sources cited, and the place looks magnificent.

Clingstone had been on a rock in Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay for 103 years when the article was written. It looks like quite a place: "There are 10 bedrooms at Clingstone, all with indecently beautiful views."

Like so many wonderful houses, this one's way, way, out of my budget. In many cases, I can't see why people want to live in 'showcase' houses. But then stone floors, glass walls and steel fittings don't exactly shriek 'cozy' to me.

This place, on the other hand, almost looks like a Hollywood (or Bollywood, for that matter) version of the ultimate retirement cabin.

These days, of course, someone with a career and/or business could work from this place - there I go, daydreaming again.


  1. Oh, I want one. All of that beautiful wood and stone makes me wish I could move in tomorrow.


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