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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yet Another List of Writing Resources

"The 10 Free Resources Every Writer Needs"
Write to Done (December 15, 2008)

"The Web is abundant with free guides, resources and, of course, advice for writers. The fact is, there's so much out there that it's difficult to sift through the clutter to find what might actually be helpful...."

I don't know that these are the definitive, final-word, no-question-about-it, 10 free resources needed by every writer: but it looks like a good list. The post has a short description and links to:
  1. U.S. Copyright Office
  2. Merriam-Webster
  3. ASJA
  4. Purdue University Online Writing Lab
  5. Folio Literary Management
  6. Agent Query
  7. Duotrope's digest
  8. Shaw Guides
  9. Elements of Style
  10. Poets & Writers

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