Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, March 23, 2009

Want to Read? No Time? Try Book-A-Minute


"We at Book-A-Minute understand that your time is valuable. You want to experience the wonder and excitement of the fine art of literature, but reading actual books requires a significant time investment. We've got the solution for you. Our ultra-condensed books are just the ticket...."

  • "The Forever War" By Joe Haldeman:
    Mandella - I've joined the army. Watch my career.
    (Mendella flies around and loses everything.)
    Mandella - It was all for nothing.
  • "Dune" By Frank Herbert:
    Frank Herbert - I'm lots smarter than you are. I challenge you to understand even one of my paragraphs!
    Reader - Gee, Frank Herbert is smart. I can't even find the plot.
I think it's safe to say that these condensed versions lose some of the find points: but on the other hand, you don't waste a lot of time reading them.

There are uber-digest versions of works from fantasy and science fiction, bedtime stories, and classics.

I wouldn't recommend this for die-hard, humor-free fans on any of the authors (or genres): but if that's not you, you might get a chuckle or two out of this.

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