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Friday, March 6, 2009

'Virtual Coccoon' - Immersive Experience, Coming Soon

" 'Virtual Cocoon' Helmet Lets You Smell, Taste, Touch"
FOXNews (March 6, 2009)

"Within a few years, you might be able to strap on a helmet, slip your hands into a pair of gloves and be instantly transported to a far-off planet, ancient Egypt or a city across the world.

"Researchers in five British universities are working to develop what they call the Virtual Cocoon, a virtual-reality system that engages all five major senses...."

I'm pretty sure this device will be technically successful. Whether it succeeds commercially is another question. Don't get me wrong: I'm no Luddite. On the other hand, I remember Smell-O-Vision. (I'm not making that name up.)

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