Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, March 6, 2009

U.S. Coast Guard Twitter Account

Nosing around - yesterday, I think, I found that several U.S. Coast Guard Twitter accounts.
  • uscoastguar
    "Official Twitter account for the United States Coast Guard"
    Frequently updated: good real-time look at USCG operations
  • Amver
    "Global search and rescue system sponsored by the USCG. We use commercial ships to rescue people in distress at sea."
  • CGBlog
    "The official twitter account for all things Coast Guard (USCG)"
There's a U.S. Marines Twitter account, too: usmc, but they don't say much: there are four Twitters there, including the first on on November 10, 2007. The U.S. Marines usmc Twitter account's location is listed as "Everywhere."

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