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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Star Trek 2.0: T minus 2 months

"STAR TREK - The New (Long) Trailer (undated)

"Key moments from Director J. J. Abrams' reboot of the Trek universe. Chris Pine plays the young, rebellious James Tiberius Kirk to Zachary Quinto's Spock ...."

video (2:10)

A better quality (no surprise) trailer is at the Paramount Pictures website.

Looks promising. Splendid special effects, compared to the original series (again, no surprise), and there's some reason to hope that the director captured something besides the Roddenbery/Shatner 'testosterone in a spacesuit' image of James Tiberius Kirk. (Let's remember, the original Captain Kirk spent quite a bit of time not chasing women: exotic and otherwise.)

Release date for the movie seems to be May 8, 2009.

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