Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Seriously Cool Swedish Data Center

"The world’s most super-designed data center – fit for a James Bond villain"
Pingdom (November 14, 2008)

"This underground data center has greenhouses, waterfalls, German submarine engines, simulated daylight and can withstand a hit from a hydrogen bomb. It looks like the secret HQ of a James Bond villain.

"And it is real. It is a newly opened high-security data center run by one of Sweden's largest ISPs, located in an old nuclear bunker deep below the bedrock of Stockholm city, sealed off from the world by entrance doors 40 cm thick (almost 16 inches)...."

It looks very, very cool, and it's nice to have green plants in a setting like that but I wonder: what does all that mist do to electronics? (Seriously? I'm pretty sure they have the humans in one biome, cybernetics in another.)

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