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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Red River Valley of the North Flood, 2009: March 26: Concordia College Being Evacuated

Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota is evacuating. Flood waters haven't reached the campus yet, but they are taking no chances.

Smart people.

My #2 daughter graduated from Concordia last December. A friend of hers told her - and asked #2 daughter to pass a warning on to us that there's a flood warning on the Sauk River (about a mile east of our house). No problems, though. This house is on a sandy ridge: and the flooding issues on the Sauk River are mostly down at St. Could.

Apparently, there's a possibility that Fargo-Moorhead will be evacuated. The last I heard, that would involve 150,000 or more people. I haven't verified the evacuation information.

This is not good.
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