Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Friday, March 20, 2009

Paco: Living in a Box, With a Lid

"Paco by Jo Nagasaka & Sschemata"
today and tomorrow (March 18, 2009)

"Paco is white 3m x 3m x 3m cube designed by Jo Nagasaka & Sschemata Architecture Office Ltd. It offers the minimum equipement to live on such a small space; it has a hammock, a table, a toilet, a shower,..."

Eight photos give a pretty good idea of what Paco looks like.

I'd say that it's an efficient, well-laid-out, minimalist apartment. The top swings up, as shown in that photo. I'm not clear how - or if - a person is supposed to get in or out.

If food were dropped in at regular intervals, someone could spend a lifetime in that box. Can't say that I'd want to. No matter how long I stayed in the thing, I'd want a spot of color on the walls. All that white reminds me of articles on sensory deprivation.

Still: it's efficient, and actually looks roomy inside: a result of the uber-efficient design, I suppose. And, good camera work.

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