Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Think: Your Name in the Stars: On the Side of a Space Toilet

"NASA Might Name Toilet For Comedian Stephen Colbert" (March 24, 2009)

"NASA may consider putting Stephen Colbert's name on a space toilet, after the comedian came out on top of the U.S. space agency's online naming poll for a new space module.

"The eponymous host of 'The Colbert Report' swept in as a dark-horse challenger after urging viewers to enter his name through a write-in option. When voting ended March 20, 'Colbert' had amassed more than 230,000 votes to beat out second-place name 'Serenity' by more than 40,000 votes.

" 'Come on, Serenity?" Colbert said on his March 10 show. 'That's not a space module, that's a Glade plug-in.'

"The Node 3 module contains eight fridge-sized racks for many of the space station's life support systems, such as the new space toilet, as well as an observation deck that contains a work station for the International Space Station's 57-foot robotic arm..."

Seriously? I'm inclined to give Colbert a bit of slack. He's a comedian, sort of, and has ratings to consider. And, I don't know where the author got that speculation about a 'Colbert' space privy.

But, it made for some fun reading.

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