Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What do You Call a Bunch of Birds?

"Collective Nouns
Scorpio Tales

"One of the many oddities of the English language is the multitude of different names given to collections or groups, be they beasts, birds, people or things. Many of these collective nouns are beautiful and evocative, even poetic...."

The lists are divided into categories, like 'birds' and 'mammals.'

The 'bunch of whatever' words go from "A colony of auks (flock, raft)" to "An optimism of youths."

I've no idea how well-researched or accurate this set of lists is, but it's fun to look through - for me, anyway. Actually, I suspect that some terms are made up: "A converting of preachers"?!

A favorite of mine, found in similar lists, is "An exaltation of larks (ascension, bevy, flight)."


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