Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Looking for Posts About Animals? This Thread's for You!

"Do you have a post about animals in your blog? Leave a link here."
BlogCatalog discussion thread (started ca. February 9, 2009)

"The post could be about any kind of animal. Yours (a pet) or someone else's. I want to take a look at your post. I know there are some funny, and not so funny, posts going around. Please share them.

"Here's one that's a little sad but it has an heroic ending...."

What follows is a very, ah, eclectic mix. Some cute, some sort of scientific. Wild animals, pets: and kittens meeting Roomba. (I particularly liked that one, but I'm biased: I posted the link.)

If you're looking for a collection of miscellaneous animal posts, this is a pretty good place to go.

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