Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Little Art, a Little Text: Gump and Gandhi Holding Hands Delivers Daily

Gump and Gandhi Holding Hands
"Daily Art and random thoughts. See more colorful goodies at"

Recent posts:
  • "Daily Art 2/27/09 - Your inner weasel."
    (February 27, 2009)

    • Your inner weasel.
    • "I am certain there are souls born into this world with only positive instincts. Creative, loving beings that seek only to heal the world and lift us all up. I am...."
  • "Daily Art 2/26/09 - Accepting love."
    (February 26, 2009)

    • Practice accepting love.
    • "We are, each of us, all living things - we are nothing more and nothing less than teeny tiny shining bits of God."
There you have it: art, delivered daily, with a little text. It reminds me of some of those thought-for-the-day services - but that "Your inner weasel" promises something a bit off the 50th percentile.

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