Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just Like Designer Lights, Only Really Small and Two-Dimensional

"DIY Mini Lamps" (May 27,2007)

"Looking for some design ideas, I found something really extraordinary. It's Mark McKenna's DIY (do-it-yourself) package to design battery lights. The kit contains a series of flat pieces, which you need to assemble. Then, you hook them up to a 9-volt battery, which should be the light source...."

A pretty good write-up on, with several photos, of a clever, and attractive, do-it-yourself, tiny interior light. The nine-volt battery shows how big - or small - the things are.

And, kudos to and Mihnea Boiangiu for acknowledging and linking to a source for the photos:

Inhabitat (May 24, 2007)

"One of our favorite finds from this year's ICFF is Mark McKenna's collection of pocket-size do-It-yourself designer battery lights. We've seen 9-volt batteries acting as light sources before, as in Richard Lawson’s DIY LED light, but these 'DEK' (Designer Emulation Kits) bring iconic design to another (albeit small-scale) level. The kits consist...."

You're not going to light a large classroom with one of these things, or even a dozen or so. But I think they'd be fun as a desktop accessory - and might be useful for shedding light on a dark corner or two.

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