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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Drawing Eyes - Joined in Progress

"The Wet Look - The First Steps to Drawing Eyes"
Pencil Portrait Lessons (September 27, 2008)

"In the last lesson on eyes we talked about the various problems that artists run into when trying to draw eyes as realistic as possible. In this lesson, we will begin the drawing process. There are two things that you need to do in order to in order to get started. The first is to make sure you are using the right tools. If you have trouble finding...."

It's part of a series of 'how-2' tutorials on drawing, with step-by-step instructions and illustrations. There's even a 'correcting the mistakes' step - which is refreshing.

Most tutorials assume that the learner won't goof - or gives that impression. It's nice to be reassured that making corrections and changes is part of the creative process.

Looks like a good resource.

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