Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Stranded-on-a-Desert-Island Joke: An Equal-Opportunity Offender

"Two Men & A Woman!"
Tiggy's Rib-Ticklers! (undated)

Two disclaimers:
  • I haven't checked, but this joke is so familiar, I suspect that it was lifted from elsewhere
  • I think it's funny, and relatively harmless, but this gag
    • Is not politically correct
    • Describes situations which are not consistent with some systems of belief
      • Including my own
So, why am I doing a micro-review on this offensive joke?

Because it's funny!

I suppose it could be taken as a trenchant satire on aspects of multiculturalism in a global context: but why bother?


Here's how the joke starts:

"On a group of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded:
  • two Italian men and one Italian woman
  • two French men and one French woman
  • two German men and one German woman
  • two Greek men and one Greek woman
  • two English men and one English woman
  • two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman
  • two Japanese men and one Japanese woman
  • two Chinese men and one Chinese woman
  • two American men and one American woman
  • two Irish men and one Irish woman"
Let the stereotyping begin!

Related post:

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