Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Z2K? Zune Media Players: Tick Tock Tick Tick Erk!

"A Year Ticks Over, and Zunes Get Hiccups"
The New York Times (December 31, 2008)

"It has been nine years since the Y2K computer glitch inspired apocalyptic fears. On Wednesday, another time-related bug created its own small-scale panic. For some owners of the Zune, the portable media player that is Microsoft’s answer to the Apple iPod, it was a day without Kanye West and Girl Talk...."

2008 was a leap year: with 366 days. Not 365. Microsoft hadn't taken that into account, when designing the 30 gig Zunes.

Accidents - and forgetfulness - happen, but this 'oops' was a big one, with lots of publicity.

2008 had an extra second, too, but that didn't seem to be involved here.

1 comment:

  1. aiyipianni,

    I don't generally acknowledge spam comments, but those two almost-coherent expanses of linkbait - posted a minute apart - were particularly egregious.

    And, now, gone.


Thanks for your comment!