Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Those Poor, Maligned, Journalists

Buck Godot Online Comics (October 21, 2008)

(A disclaimer: Like Buck Godot's creator, I don't think this comic is suitable for younger readers. He suggests late teens and up. I might put it somewhere starting in the mid-thirties, but then I'm an old coot.)

"Chapter 6; The Fourth Estate:

"In the Prime Mover’s comprehensive overview of sentient and semi-sentient life within the sphere of the Gallimaufry: Why We're Better Than All Of You Put Together, there are various appendices which deal with predators that feed upon sentients. Journalists are placed within this category...."

"...Nobody really understood it, but as it called for the euthanasia of vast herds of journalists, nobody really tried too hard...."

I've noticed that journalists don't seem to be as well-liked as they were, back in the Good Old Days. You know: when movies had titles like "Spunky Phipps, Girl Reporter?"

I don't share the sentiment of "The Fourth Estate," at least not whole-heartedly. I'd better not, since my "Sauk Centre Journal" Makes me something of a journalist myself.

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