"Deciding on a Plot For Your Novel"
Scribblepad (UK)
"One of the most important aspects of any novel is the plot; characters and description are important in their own right but these are secondary and also dependent on the plot.
"When writing a novel – be it you’re first or your second – you should take some time to mull over what kind of novel you think you would like to write. The number of genres available now is increasing all the time but it is wise to take some time to jot down some ideas as to how you see your novel forming and what genre interests you most...."
It's a fairly short article, and presents common-sense ideas for writing a novel.
A disclaimer, though: That 'plot is primary, characters depend on plot' is one way to approach writing a novel. It's not the only way. Another approach is to develop interesting and contrasting characters, then let them go and see what they do.
I've noticed that writers are generally comfortable with one or the other approach. If you're getting started writing, I think you could do worse than to try writing both ways (not at the same time, of course).
I prefer plots that feel more dependent on the characters, myself. Having plot come first and characters second sounds more like things happen to the character rather than the characters acting on their own.