Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Not-So-Silly Science: Women Who Look Like Women are Healthier

"Fat bottoms may be good for health, protect against diabetes - Harvard researchers"
The Daily Telegraph (January 6, 2009)
  • "Big butts could be a health plus
  • "Fat may protect against type 2 diabetes
  • "Lopez, Beyonce on to a good thing"
"WOMEN can stop worrying about pear-shaped figures - fat bottoms have been scientifically proven to be a sign of good health.

"New research, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, suggests...."

Last month I posted a more-than-micro review of a LiveScience article about an anthropologist's notion that women who look like men are better off when the going gets tough.

Using Research and Numbers in Science: What a Concept!

The Daily Telegraph article discusses something very different from that anthropologist's science: This science is the kind that uses research and numbers.

There seems to be a lot more to learn, but it looks like it's not just where the fat is that makes a difference: it's the kind of fat.

The Daily Telegraph isn't advocating obesity: but I think this article shows that, despite what fashion designers and some academics seem to think, it's okay for grown women to look like grown women.

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