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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President, New White House Website: This One Has a Blog

"Change at the White House Web Site"
The Caucus blog / The New York Times (January 20, 2009)

"Change comes to the White House Web site

"President Obama had not yet taken the oath of office at 12:01 p.m. on Tuesday when the Obama administration took over the cyber-address of the presidency,, with a flourish. A minute past noon, the Bush administration’s familiar Web site, with eight years worth of archived press releases, speech transcripts, photographs, executive orders, and proclamations were swept away into the hands of the National Archives. The homepage instead featured a large portrait of Mr. Obama and the slogan, 'Change Has Come to America: The Inauguration of President Barack Obama.'..."

More posts about Barack Obama's inauguration day:

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