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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Moving Two Presidents in One Day: Safely and Smoothly

"Special Ops: How to move a president in a few hours"
CNN (January 20, 2009)

"(CNN) -- Comedian Mark Russell was at a recent event in Chicago, Illinois, when he found himself sitting next to Valerie Jarrett, an adviser to President-elect Barack Obama...."

"... Russell sees humor in the presidential transition, but the actual operation to move both families in and out of the White House is serious business.

"The clearing out of the Bushes' belongings began over the summer, when many items were packed and taken to Crawford, Texas, says Anita McBride, chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush. Then, during the Christmas holiday, the Bushes moved their personal things out of Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, according to McBride...."

Moving one family in and another out is hard work at best (I 'let' my wife and kids do most of it, when we've moved). Doing it on a tight schedule, with excited crowds, swarming reporters, and just possibly lurking lunatics, is a major operation.

This article gives a look at what went on at the White House.

More posts about Barack Obama's inauguration day:

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