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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Video Games, the Great Depression, and Monopoly: Yes, There is a Connection

"Recession's On, Game Sales Up: Let the Bad Times Roll!"
Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind (December 14, 2008)

"There's a lesson to be learned here: "November video game sales near $3 billion" (Associated Press (December 12, 2008)). That's up about 10% from last year at this time.

"Not bad for an economy in crisis...."

I'm reviewing one of my own blog posts again: but this one might actually be worth reading.

The point is that, although there really is a global economic crisis going on, and the American automotive industry isn't what it was in the fifties, there are some bright spots.

What I find personally frustrating is that I don't have much background in designing video games, and nothing in the works. Still, there's got to be some way to help people deal with a less-than-perky economy.

So, You Think You Know About Monopoly?

"Monopoly History" tells more about the history of Monopoly than you probably knew: including what the game was, before it got called "Monopoly."

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