Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, December 12, 2008

Big Three Automakers Going Bankrupt: Is it Really a Problem?

"So Big Three Collapse: Is That a Problem?"
Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind (December 12, 2008)

"There may be Americans who don't know that the Big Three automakers in this country are ready to fold. But my guess is that they don't watch the news, or get out much.

"The conventional wisdom seems to be that, if General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler go bankrupt, unemployed auto workers will be thrown out of their homes, Big Three executives will have to cut back on their trips to Starbucks, and the American economy will collapse...."

This is an alternative view of what could happen if the Big Three automakers in America collapse. The idea is that maybe it's a good idea to let people who haven't run their companies into the ground start trying new ideas - not giving more bananas to three 800-pound gorillas.

Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind is another one of my blogs, so naturally I think this idea is worth considering. Your own experience may vary.

And, since this post seems anything but apathetic, an explanation may be in order. The Lemming wrote a post about this blog's odd name a while ago.

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