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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Spaceport Development Tax on Otero County Ballot

"New Mexico Spaceport Seeks Voter Support" (November 3, 2008)

"LAS CRUCES, New Mexico – New Mexico's bid to build Spaceport America gets voter scrutiny this week, with Otero County residents being asked to approve a one-eighth of one percent increase in sales tax to help support development of the commercial inland spaceport...."

I've posted about this before: most recently, "Spaceport America: It's Real, and Open for Business" (October 25, 2008).

The realities of 21st-century life take a bit of getting used to. I did a micro-review last month, of a sort of photo collage of Dubai's architecture (Dubai Architecture: A Photo Gallery " (October 25, 2008)). Whoever put that together wrote this caption for the last rendering on the page: "The UAE Spaceport would be the first spaceport in the world if construction ever gets under way. I'm not joking... " [emphasis mine]

That one-eighth of one percent increase in sales tax is no joke, and neither is Spaceport America.

Welcome to the 21st century!

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