Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Digital Art Galleries by Stardust Crossing

Stardust Crossing

 サイト名「Stardust Crossing」は、「星屑十字路」の英訳であり、星屑が交差して集まる場所という意味である。この名称は、starを名乗るほどの実力もない我が身に似合っているのではないかと考えて付けたものである。

" なお、当サイトはリンクフリーであり、リンクに当たって事前及び事後の連絡は不要です。バナーが必要な方は、下記のものを右クリックして「名前を付けて画像を保存」でお持ち帰りのうえ、ご使用頂ければ幸いです。"

If you can read that, you're doing better than me.

Happily, the artist who runs Stardust Crossing provides text in English as well as Japanese:

"I am Japanese and live in Tokyo.

My handle name is 'Stardust' or 'Stardust Crossing' ordinarily. I sometimes use 'Hoshikuzu Jujiro' as handle. It is a Japanese word which means 'Stardust Crossing'.

"I started 3D CG in May 2005. It is my hobby not job to create 3D CG. My real job has no relation with CG. So I enjoy a CG life at weekends. Vue 5 Esprit & Vue6 Infinite, Poser 5-7 and Shade 8.5 Basic are my main softwares."

I ran into this artist's work on an online community, Renderosity, which led me to this website (Thanks, "Stardust Crossing").

Stardust Crossing's galleries on Stardust Crossing go back a few years. I think you'll see some evolution in the work.

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