Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spaceports: the Blog

"Spaceports will enable thousands of people from around the world to go to outer space. The Spaceports Blog endeavors to provide information linking those with interest in the pursuit of space to spaceport development and the people and vehicles that fly from them."
a blog

Crazy science-fiction stuff, a lot of wishful thinking from some Trek-crazed geek, right?

Nope. Spaceports are here. Get used to it.

Welcome to the 21st Century

The person who created the subject of my last micro-review (Dubai Architecture: A Photo Gallery " (October 25, 2008)) would probably think that the subject of Spaceports was imaginary. The last rendering in that was captioned, "The UAE Spaceport would be the first spaceport in the world if construction ever gets under way. I'm not joking... " [emphasis mine]

Actually, there's an operational commercial spaceport now in the American southwest: Spaceport America.

Spaceports: Reports on Spaceship Design Competitions, Second-Generation Astronauts: Humdrum Stuff Like That

If anything, the parts of Spaceports that I read suffered from being rather run-of-the-mill references to current events like:
  • The winner of a lunar lander design competition
  • A passenger on a Russian spaceship whose newsworthiness is that his father was a Skylab astronaut
  • No water-ice being found in Shackleton Crater at the Moon's south pole
  • A progress report on Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo-SpaceShipTwo commercial passenger spaceship
Spaceports is a day-to-day 'what's happening' report about the space industry. Which, when you stop and think, is a bit exciting, because it's real.

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