Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

That's One Crazy Ground Squirrel

"Cat and Ninja Chipmunk"
YouTube (February 21, 2006)

"Ninja Chipmunk takes on the cat. Oreo in an inside/outside cat. She is well fed. I'm sorry I did not mow the grass, but I think it saved the chipmunk. Oreo also wears a bell to warn critters in advance. Somebody has corrected me and noted the "chipmunk" here is really a "ground squirrel" as chipmunks have a very short tail - but they are very similar otherwise. More from our area of the country at . is now"

As one of my daughters said, "you really gotta wonder, what that chipmunk was thinking...."

Perhaps the rodent had seen too many Bruce Lee films.

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