Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, August 18, 2008

Once Again: Advice on Becoming a Better Writer

"10 Ways to Become a Better Writer"

"Becoming a good writer takes time and practice, but that doesn't mean you can't speed up the process. Here are 10 ways that you can become a better writer today...."

Yet another how-to-write-better collection of good advice: pretty much the same good advice you'll find elsewhere.

One thing that sets this list apart is that each of the 10 points has at least two links to other online resources.

Another is that the last one appealed to me: "#10 Forget Spell Check--Proofread". As a recovering English teacher, and a professional writer, I applaud the sentiment.

Although I'm one of those people who proofreads to catch the errors - and use spellcheckers to check for anything I might have missed.

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