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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lego Olympics: About a Third of This Video is Amusing

"Lego Olympics Beijing 2008 Yang Wei Gymnastics"
YouTube video (Lego Olympics Beijing 2008 Yang Wei Gymnastics)

Video 3:16

I almost didn't post this, but the first third of the video is quite good.

The first 1 minute, 20 seconds, is a well-done stop-action animation of a Lego figure doing gymnastics. The rest is "Lego News" that highlights the last-minute switch of opening ceremonies singers and the CGI fireworks. Then comes what I think is meant to represent a large-scale bombing of the Beijing Olympic venues. Tasteless? I think so, but your experience may vary.

I can't say that I recommend more than the first 1:20 of this video: but that part's well done.

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