Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Electricity: This is Why We Have Warning Signs

"Jacob's Ladder: 500kV Switch Opening"
YouTube video (September 26, 2006)

Video 0:09

"A high-voltage arc caused by a 500kV Switch opening up in the Nevada Desert. An enormous Jacob's Ladder

"Large Electrical Explosion Live on News"
YouTube video (February 25, 2007)

Video 0:45

"In the comment section, member "tomh1138" claims to have been witness to this. His comments are found below.


"An ice-covered tree limb falling onto a power line. Captured live by WHO TV Channel 13 out of Des Moines, Iowa, on February 25, 2007. The limb fell directly onto the line, causing a series of explosions of the transformers of the grid.

"tomh1138's comments -----
"This happened in Urbandale, IA. I'm a member of the Urbandale Fire Dept. and was...."

Both videos are impressive reminders of how much power people control these days.

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