Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Astronauts and the Olympics: Far Out!

"Astronauts Help Usher in Beijing Olympics" (August 8, 2008)

"The countdown to the lighting of the cauldron and the fireworks that followed its ignition were not the only rocket-related allusions that led to the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games. Space explorers from at least three nations took part in carrying the torch to the Beijing National Stadium in China while the son of a U.S. astronaut prepared to compete as one of the athletes...."

In an operation involving as many people as the Olympics, I suspect that an article could be put together on string collectors and the Olympics.

This piece gives a pretty good look at the spots where this year's Olympics and space programs overlap.

(From Xinhua, via, used without permission.)
Shenzhou 6 crewmembers, and as first Malaysian in space

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