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Friday, July 11, 2008

Yet Another Bit of Writing Advice

Two, actually. From the latter: "...One of these essays on writing is Paul McHenry Roberts’s How to Say Nothing in Five Hundred Words, a brilliantly humorous introduction on writing college compositions. I discovered this essay today and read though easily in one sitting, possibly because it was so well-written and entertaining. It’s a perfect example of the writing techniques listed within...."

The summary and the original essay are worth reading. There's nothing particularly new here - the essay is decades old. But, you might learn something from the way the ideas are presented.

One of my favorite pieces of advice in the essay is: "Call a fool a fool."


  1. I posted on the same essay, today, and ended on the same note. I took rather a different path to get there, though. Great minds?

  2. legbamel,

    I read your post, "Excellent Writing Advice" - Yep "rather a different path..." Great minds? ;) Could be.


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