Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

That's Odd - the Strange Case of the Clockwise Foot

"How Smart Is Your Right Foot?"
Museum of Hoaxes

"Below is an email that's going around. Maybe it's been circulating for years, but I received it for the first time today. It makes a claim that seems dubious at first. But, upon experimentation, appears to be true. At least, it's true for me. There must be a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. The question is: does it hold true for everyone? And is it possible to counteract this reflex through force of will?..."

It involves moving your right foot in a clockwise circle, and tracing a "6" in the air with your right hand.

I tried it three times, and my foot reversed direction each time.

I'm not going to keep trying - but I think at best, it would take serious concentration and practice to overcome this curious bit of (I assume) circuitry.

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