Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SieMatic S1 Kitchen - "The Kitchen for All the Senses"

Except maybe the financial sense.

Still, SieMatic's SieMatic S1 is an impressive bit of interior design. What struck me about this kitchen was that it looks as if someone might actually be able to prepare a meal in it.

And, want to.

Quite a few blogs have picked up on the SieMatic S1, like "SieMatic S1 Kitchen - the future of the kitchen design" (Trendir (July 23, 2008)). In fact, I'd suggest Trendir's post for a quick once-over of the SieMatic S1 Kitchen. SieMatic's own website requires Flash, takes time to load, and is more impressive than informative.

Which is too bad, since I think SieMatic has put together very good ideas here.

(From Trendir / SieMatic, used w/o permission)
Looks great: but is there storage space?

(From Trendir / SieMatic, used w/o permission)
Crowded? Sure: but who's going to have all the drawers out at once?

(From Trendir / SieMatic, used w/o permission)
More than a room to heat TV dinners in.

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