"Dom itp - European Houseware Blog"
This is one of those blogs that's designed to show of a retail store's products. In this case, a chain of retail stores. For an outfit that's presenting a somewhat pricey product, this is a good design.
What I particularly noticed was how clean the design was. Quite a few artsy (excuse me, 'creative') businesses jazz up their Web presence with cool colors and eye-catching design elements. Great idea, if the place is in the Web design business. Otherwise, all that creative stuff is, IMO, a distraction for the visitor.
Dom itp's blog has the title, with the company logo, a column of text-and-photos posts, a sidebar with navigation and contact information, a footer, and that's about it.
The background: white. Text: black.
Simple. Elegant. Directs attention to the equally simple product photos.
Knew I'd forgotten something. The stores sell very nice glassware. From the "About" page:
"Dom itp - European Houseware is a chain of retail stores located in the Chicago area. Dom itp specializes in importing high-end products from Poland. At our stores you will find handmade Polish colored glassware, authentic Polish porcelain dinnerware, Boleslawiec stoneware, Polish meat grinders, Polish bakeware, Polish cookware utensils, Polish Christmas ornaments, Chicago Christmas ornaments, and the famous electric potato grater...."
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