Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, July 7, 2008

"Magnetic Movie:" A Little Educational, A Lot Entertaining

"Magnetic Movie"
Semiconductor Films (2007)

"The secret lives of invisible magnetic fields are revealed as chaotic ever-changing geometries . All action takes place around NASA's Space Sciences Laboratories, UC Berkeley, to recordings of space scientists describing their discoveries . Actual VLF audio recordings control the evolution of the fields as they delve into our inaudible surroundings, revealing recurrent ‘whistlers' produced by fleeting electrons . Are we observing a series of scientific experiments, the universe in flux, or a documentary of a fictional world?.

"Awarded Best Film at Cutting Edge at the British Animation Awards 2008.
"Awarded Best Experimental Film at Tirana International Film Festival 2007...."

Video 4.47

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