Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lemming Tracks: The Lemming Cuts Back

I've done three 'micro-reviews' today, and that's going to be all. Unless something super-colossal jumps out of the screen, of course.

It's not that the Lemming is lazy. It's just that the Lemming gets 24 hours a day, and I've realized that I'm not a forty-year-old kid any more. So, until things change again, Apathetic Lemming of the North will have about three new posts a day, instead of the six I've been doing.

There's more, about why I'm doing this at "I'm Not a Forty-Year-Old Kid Any More: Time, Organization, Energy, and Priorities ," at Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind (July 20, 2008).

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