Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is "Under Weigh" Correct? Or is "Under Way" the Right Weigh?

Yes. Spelling matters. (More about that at "Soh Whut ef i cant spel?"
(Only a Looser Chicks Four Spilling Mystics).)

Is it "under weigh," or "under way?"
  • British English:
    World Wide Words
    • "Under way" is now standard usage
    • There's more about weigh and way, starting with Dutch in the eighteenth century
  • American English: "under way, underway, under weigh"
    The Columbia Guide to Standard American English, 1993
    • "...Under way and underway are both now Standard spellings of both adverbial and adjectival uses."
    • There's more about the phrase, of course
So: on both sides of the Atlantic, it's "under way."

Why bother with a post about this? I looked up current standard usage for another blog, and decided that I'd share what I found.

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