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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

George, John, Barack, Bill, a Hot Babe, a Cigar, Hillary? What's Not to Love?
New JibJab Election Video Funny, and Sure to Offend

"Jib Jab Debuts New Cartoon Featuring Barack Obama and John McCain"
Associated Content (July 16, 2008)

With Bill and Hillary Clinton, too. This video gave me a much-needed cluster of laughs this morning.

I don't recommend it for anybody with a thin skin and emotional ties to either of the Clintons, any of the current presidential candidates, or the current administration, though.

As I said, this video had me laughing. And will again, as soon as I finish this post. I'd say "try it, you'll like it," but after the eruption of outrage after that cover on The New Yorker, I'm a little more cautious.

Hey, try it anyway.

"Time for Some Campaignin' "
JibJab Sendables

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There's plenty to get offended about in JibJab's latest release (or escape, some might say). Here's what Associated Content said about "Time For Some Campaignin':"

"After the New Yorker Obama cover, satire for a presidential election has become a lot more controversial and delicate. But websites like Jib Jab, a cartoon video satire site, are still going on with mocking Barack Obama and John McCain nonetheless. In 2004, Jib Jab broke out with a cartoon song parody about George W. Bush and John Kerry, set to 'This Land Is My Land.' For the match up between Barack Obama and John McCain, Jib Jab is now inspired by the likes of Bob Dylan for their latest presidential song parody.

Jib Jab released their newest song parody cartoon today, which this time is a satire of the Bob Dylan song 'The Times They Are a Changing.' Jib Jab's choice of the song obviously capitalizes on Obama's message of change. For their version, Jib Jab calls the song 'Time For Some Campaignin.' ...


  1. Nice find, Brian. I'm passing this one along.

  2. I couldn't resist posting this video this morning either. Course I also included a comment about people needing to lighten up about political satire in general.

  3. Funny!

    I rather appreciate equal opportunity offenders.

  4. markstoneman,

    Oh, yeah!



    Which is what makes this so funny - in part.


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