Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dynamic Tower in Dubai

"Dynamic Architecture"
fun fun fun (June 30, 2008)

"The Dynamic Tower in Dubai is the first Building in Motion to be constructed in the world, and it will herald a new era of architecture and become a symbol of Dubai, the city of the future.

"The developer is Rotating Tower Dubai Development Limited of Dynamic Group.

"Created by revolutionary architect Dr. David Fisher, the mixed use Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving structure that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time...."

This is the first post or article I've seen, that goes into some detail about the internal layout of the Dynamic Tower in Dubai.

What I particularly appreciate is the post's acknowledgment of the source:

"Images and text source" ( - with one of the few splash screens that I've enjoyed as a visitor)

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