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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Common-Sense Environmentalism and UPS

"UPS Makes the Right Turn"
E-Myth Blog (June 19, 2008)

"Right turn process saves money and the environment

"On any given day, UPS delivers 15.8 million packages and documents around the world. Their delivery fleet consists of 93,637 package cars, vans, tractors and motorcycles. Those signature brown UPS trucks are everywhere! You can't help but notice them on the road. But here’s something you may not have noticed: UPS trucks don’t turn left. Well, ok, sometimes they have to turn left. But 90 percent of the time, they only make right turns. It's part of their operating procedures to avoid making left turns...."

UPS doesn't want to waste fuel any more than they want to pump exhaust into the air.

And, that right-turn-only thing does seem to make sense - particularly in urban traffic.


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